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Southern California Rover Club

2023 Johnson Valley

25 Apr 2023 4:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

This months adventure to Johnson Valley was both longer and more exciting that anticipated than the "Scenic" label in the description. We had 17 rigs head out around 9AM after the leaders finally made it to the trail head.

The club members had an easy run through the King of Hammers site to the Chocolate Thunder where we grouped up for a photo. Then we headed south to Jackhammer. It was an optional “play area” Noah managed to get high centered and needed a winch to get his Discovery free. A couple other members ran less difficult routes without trouble while others were spectating.

The next segment Noah led us wide around Chocolate Thunder and north for some hill tracks. Here the club encountered a brief stretch of deep sand. Two of the early rigs bogged down, while the rest managed to skate around the edge through the rocks. One managed to get out with the help of sand tracks and the other rig was too deeply embedded and a tug from a dynamic rope set her free. Now we were all ready to move on again.

2.5 hours into our trip, Noah led us across to the Mines. The trail had suffered through the 2023 rainy season. We had some Intermediate obstacles to traverse and ran bypasses around two difficult obstacles to prevent body damage. We finally made it to the Mines for lunch around 1:30PM. We checked out the mines and ate whatever vittles each of us had brought.

Our intrepid Rovers then continued over the ridge and headed down to the desert floor navigating through more challenging features on the trail we were following. One involved a steep drop of about 12 feet where the rigs did some fancy two-wheeled balancing acts followed by tight turns through a rocky escarpment. Noah was there through it all guiding everyone safely past each challenge.

It was near 4PM when we finished skirting the Military bomb site and the group filed into the Giant Rock site at Landers.

It was a very enjoyable trip. Scenic, challenging and fun. Cudos to Noah on leading the club on another great adventure!


  • 29 Apr 2023 8:03 AM | Anonymous member
    Super Fun Trip! Great write up Ed and Thanks to our fearless Leader Noah for scouting out and leading us all on this Trip! Cheers
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